Hi there and welcome. If you’ve found this site then you might have also purchased my debut novel, NO HARM DONE. If so, many thanks and I hope you enjoyed the read.
So why did I write a crime novel located in the Republic of Georgia? Essentially because crime is my favourite genre and, having worked and lived in Georgia for fifteen years, I know the country well and lived through some of its recent turmoil and subsequent dramatic rise in fortune. Georgia’s history, unique culture, beautiful scenery and its wonderful people are not well known outside the region and I hope my book will provide my readers with insights to this fascinating country and, possibly, encourage you to visit.
It has always my ambition to write novels and I really don’t know why I left it till now before doing so. Of course, I could say I had a family to raise, a challenging job and other demands on my time. All true, but I do wish I’d started sooner. Time feels more precious as we get older and I’m trying to be more productive now: spending time with my family, walking, writing, cooking and improving my guitar playing skills. Learning Spanish is also on that list but that has taken a back seat lately. ¡Qué holgazán!
As I write this piece, the world is still in the grip of the COVID pandemic and we’re all wondering when our lives can return to something like normal. Too many people have died, more will become ill and many will suffer in other ways before we learn how to cope with this dreadful virus. Let’s hope that happens soon.
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